BGS – Session 3 Connecting Data Sets
So far we have just looked at single dataset but you live in the real world data from different time periods, or at different
So far we have just looked at single dataset but you live in the real world data from different time periods, or at different
The Order of Operation is the single most important thing you need to understand as you progress in your journey. It is the root cause
Finally, we get to make some charts – for your first chart start with “Show Me” from the upper right corner of the screen. Select
The ability to add calculations to your viz is key to using Tableau to present insights and tell the story the way you want to.
Dates are a very special class of Dimension – I mean real dates – not a string (text) that looks like a date or is
Session 8 – Custom Calculations Special Topic LOD Expressions Level of Detail (LOD) expressions are unique to Tableau. Earlier we talked about the grain (the
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