Jim Dehner 

 Tableau Visionary and Ambassador

Tableau How to’s,  Use Cases, and Forums Questions

Hey #DataFam

Let’s Talk

Welcome from Tennessee! where I am a BI consultant.  As an engineer with a business degree, I only started using Tableau 8 years ago, and then only at a client's request.  Since then, I have become a 4-time Visionary and 8-time Tableau Ambassador.


I started this site 4 years ago to help new and intermediate Tableau users expand their skills.  The site is based on my experience on the Community Forums and includes answers to FAQs, examples on "How-to" use Tableau functions, and specific "Use Cases"  that have repeatedly been the subject of questions posted by users just like you.

I came to Tableau with a background in Excel and a bit of Access, but no SQL or large database experience.  At first, I found Tableau not at all like Excel and I was confused. I need to relate to Tableau in terms colored by my engineering training.  The "Beyond Getting Started…" series covers the foundational concepts I needed to understand before I was comfortable using Tableau. 

 I've attempted to write this blog to help you understand how Tableau works "under the hood" as you do your analysis and create your viz

